Monday, January 10, 2011

the value of personal holiness

Truro Church in Fairfax, Virginia was, until recently, one of the largest parishes in the Episcopal Church. (I was ordained a deacon there in Truro Church by Bishop Peter Lee of Virginia.) However, they left the Church over ethical differences. They believe that the practice of homosexual relationships is unethical behavior for Christians, while the Episcopal Church teaches that any relationship between adults can be holy if nurtured with love, fidelity, prayerful intention, and the blessing of the Christian community.

So what does it mean when one of the priests at Truro Church, who has struggled with internet pornography addiction for years, was just fired for using parish computers to surf the web for porn? See the article here:

What is the value of preaching purportedly "high" ethical standards from the pulpit and then living by "low" ethical standards in your daily life? Which is more important? And what is the value in God's eyes of casting aspersions in public upon the holiness of others, while in secret one is violating one's own moral standards?

"Everything now covered up will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear" (Luke 12:2, NJB).

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