Sunday, June 3, 2012

Somebody Loves You!

A Youth Sermon for the Trinity Sunday (RCL B) 6-3-2012
Offered by Nathan Ferrell for Trinity Episcopal Shared Ministry

Texts:              Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 29; John 3:1-17
Themes:         being born again, God’s profound love for the world
Title:               Somebody Loves You

Gather around here in front of me, my friends, because this morning I want to share with you the story of this little book.

It is called “Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch.” This book has been with our family now for a number of years, and we all love it. It has great pictures, and it tells a great story. Do you want to hear it?

(I can't summarize it all right here on the blog, but it's a great little story. In my humble opinion, it illuminates the meaning of being "born from above" in today's Gospel reading! You can find more info on this book by following this link:)

We talk a lot about love here in church, don’t we?
And we heard about it again in our Gospel reading today in that famous passage, John 3:16:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”

But right before this, Jesus was talking with Nicodemus and told him that everyone must be born again, born from above, born in the Holy Spirit.

How does that happen? Yes, it happens in our baptism, when we are born again into the family of God through water and the Spirit. 

But do you know what I think? I think it also might happen over and over again, time and time again.

Nicodemus asked Jesus: “How can anyone be born after having grown old?”

Well, what about Mr. Hatch? Don’t you think that, in a very real and deep way, HE was born again when he received that box of candy?

His entire life was changed completely! He began to live an entirely different life – a life which reached out to others, helped others, made other people feel joy.

That is what happens when we are born from above, born in the Spirit of God! We begin to live a life of joy and sharing and celebration.

Because you know what? Somebody loves you!

Today is Trinity Sunday, a day set aside to remember and to celebrate how God is revealed to us as three persons who live together as one God.

Remember that famous Bible verse we talked about earlier? “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…”

Jesus comes to us like that box of chocolate, with a special message inside saying “God loves you!”

God sends the gift, Jesus is the gift, and the Holy Spirit is the mailman who delivers it!

When we receive this gift, when we truly know that God loves us, that God is your secret admirer, then we begin to be born again in the same way that Mr. Hatch was!

So let me ask you: would you rather live like the old Mr. Hatch – alone, lonely, bored, afraid – OR would you rather live like the new Mr. Hatch – laughing, smiling, helping others, celebrating life with friends, sharing love with people?

Which one? The new one? Well, you can!

All you have to do is to open up the gift which is given to you! And read the message: God loves you!

Will you do this? Then let’s pray together:

Dear God: thank you for loving us and the whole world enough to send the best gift of all – the gift of your love in Jesus. Thank you for this gift. Help us to live a new life now that we know for certain that you love us forever. Because we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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