Sunday, November 11, 2012

A sermon for November 11, 2012 - Unless the Lord builds the house

Better late than never! Life has been a bit hectic and crazy lately, but here is the first message delivered at Saint Mary's in Falmouth, Maine. 

A Sermon for Proper 27 (RCL B) 11-11-2012
Offered by Nathan Ferrell for The Church of Saint Mary

Texts:             Hebrews 9:24-28; Psalm 127; Mark 12:38-44
Primary message:  The local church is the hope of the world      
Call to action:          Commit everything to join God’s work in the church
Title:               Unless the Lord builds the house

My dear brothers and sisters: God is building something new here in this community known as Saint Mary’s.

And what a privilege it is for me and Erin and our children, Angus and Se’ and Fiona, to be part of the new work that God is doing in this place. It is a great joy and a privilege!

After all, you and I have been called to labor together with God to build the house of God, which is nothing else but the community of those who have found new life in Christ.

You must understand this: I am absolutely convinced that the local church is the hope of the world.

I am convinced that groups of ordinary, average people just like you and me who gather together to be filled with the grace of God so that we might pour out that grace to others – that groups just like this right here are the hope of the world.

Let’s be clear about this: politicians can’t save the world. Businesses can’t do it. The university will not save the world.
All of these persons and groups have their role to play, but in the final analysis it is only the church that can transform the world!

It is only the Body of Christ that can make this world to be what God intended it to be!

How is this possible? Of course, it is not about us, after all. This is God’s doing; it is God’s work being done by God’s people with God’s energy.

God works through the church!
As crazy as it sounds, my friends, God has no other plan for humanity except for the Church!

And this Church through whom God works is an assembly of ordinary people like you and me who open our hearts to the living God and become channels of God’s grace to others.

I can remember very clearly the time that I first began to realize this for myself.
I was raised in a small country parish in the village of Vincentown, New Jersey. This was Trinity Episcopal Church, and it was founded in the 1800’s as a chapel for summer visitors escaping the heat of Philadelphia.

We were not very regular attenders. Our family was mostly of the “Christmas-and-Easter” variety (do you know any folks like this?). So I remember going to the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve at this little parish when I was a senior in High School. By that time, I had become quite an idealist. I was truly disappointed with the world as it was, and I wanted to change it. I wanted to see people respect one another, and love one another. I wanted to experience some real peace in the world.

And at the passing of the peace there on Christmas Eve, in the candlelight, when all of these folks who had known me for my entire life were hugging me and hugging each other, at THAT moment it first began to dawn on me: HERE IT IS!

Here is the peace and love and joy and hope that I was seeking! Right here, in this ordinary, simple little country chapel, among these very people gathered together because of the love of God poured out on the world in Jesus Christ.

Well, what about us here at Saint Mary’s? How are we going to do this? How will we manifest this transforming grace of God in the months and years to come?

The details, of course, remain to be seen.
But I can tell you this much with certainty.
There are three things that we are going to do together.
Three paths of action which will be characteristic hallmarks of this Saint Mary’s community.

We are going to celebrate God and the gifts of life.

We are going to honor one another.

We are going to serve the needs of the world.

Got it? Can you remember these?
(Well, they’re written down in your bulletin, if you need some help!)

Celebrate.                  Honor.               Serve.

Let’s say them together. Are you ready? “Celebrate! Honor! Serve!”

Celebrate God and the goodness of life. Honor one another. Serve the needs of others.

It’s that simple. I am convinced that this is the kind of community which God is calling us to be, the kind of house that the Lord wishes building in this place.

A house where God is celebrated, where all that God has done for us is celebrated.

After all, this is why we gather together every Sunday – to celebrate our new life in Christ!
We will celebrate birthdays and anniversaries, promotions and graduations, retirements and new homes, weddings and baptisms, Earth Days and pet blessings, and even funerals.

I suspect that some of you might even get a bit tired of all the celebrating that we are going to do together! I can imagine someone saying, “Gee, can’t we just get together for a good complaining session?! to lament and to complain about all of the problems in the world. I mean, why do we have to celebrate all of the time?”
Nope, sorry! Can’t do it! After all, God has called us to “rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances.” That sounds like a whole lot of celebration to me!

We will also be a house in which all people are honored.
We will honor the gifts of our children and youth. We will honor the faithfulness and wisdom of our seniors. We will honor those who give and serve in whatever capacity, big or small. Jesus honored the poor widow who put in only two small coins. But that was a great sacrifice for her, and Jesus knew this and he honored her. We will honor those who have gone before us, those who have made this place, and this parish community, possible. We will honor the strangers in our midst – guests and visitors and seekers. And we will honor those among us with whom we disagree, for we are all called to be the family of God together.

And we will be a house which serves the needs of the world in the power of the Holy Spirit.
I know that you are already very good at this. We will build on the good outreach work already in place and reach out more and more to those in need here in our towns, across the nation, and around the world.

This is the kind of house that God is building among us.

And again, let me say it: there is nothing else in the world like the local church!
When working together as we are called to do, there is no other group or organization anywhere on earth which has the potential to be and to do so much good!

I am convinced of this. I will stake my life on this fact. And I invite you to join me in this journey.

In your bulletins, I have shared with you a special prayer of dedication. It is called “My Morning Prayer.”
Take it out now please. We will pray it together as an act of commitment to this new journey that we are beginning together.

“God, this is a new day. I freshly commit myself to the role you have invited me to play, as you are building your church in this world. I am awestruck again today that you include me in this grand life-giving, world-transforming endeavor. So today I joyfully offer you: my love, my heart, my talents, my energy, my creativity, my faithfulness, my resources, and my gratitude. I commit all of myself to the role you have assigned me in the building of your church so that it may thrive in this world. And I will ‘bring it’ today. I will bring my best. You deserve it. Your church deserves it. It is the hope of the world.” 

Sign it and date it, if you are ready to do so. This is for you to keep, to remember and to pray again and again.

Just remember, my friends, how incredible, how awesome this is! We have been invited to labor with God in the transformation of the world. What a gift! What a privilege!

And what a joy to be able to labor together with God in this very special and wonderful community known as Saint Mary’s. Amen.   

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